Organizing and Your Move

There are many ways that hiring a professional organizer can help you keep your sanity before, during and after a move, not to mention adding to the value of your home. We often work with realtors and clients who are getting houses ready to go on the market. The first item of business is to…

WPO Anniversary: First-year Milestones

Fall is a beloved time of the year for many. Finding warmth on a dark, chilly night; pulling out old sweaters; taking a drive to see the fall foliage; going to a pumpkin patch with hayrides and corn maze wanderings; nutmeg and spice-flavored everything…the list of “cozy” goes on and on. Here at The Whole…

Time to Manage Your Time

Life is busy!  Do you ever feel like there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish all that you want to?  Does your ‘to do’ list just keep getting longer and longer?  Are you feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities?  How do you adapt when your schedule gets thrown off completely?Here are 5 tips…